The Dream-Maker's Manifesto
One-Year Subscription
Welcome to The Dream-Maker's Manifesto, my collection of essays reflecting on how I manifest my dreams into a revenue stream. These articles cover my philosophy of making my dreams come true.
Hosted on Substack, here you can buy a one-year subscription either for yourself or as a gift, allowing you full access to all future articles (published 2-3 times per month) and the entire past archive, giving you a deep-dive into how I go about making sh*t happen.
Whether it was wanting to be a professional magician (which I manifested into a 20 year well-paid career), through to becoming a pro artist and author, each essay I reveal more about the different lessons I have learned the hard way on the road to turning my dreams and desires into an income.
This purchase is an investment in YOU, in your own dreams and desires. It's not about making millions, instead it is about the strategies I have developed through the school of hard knocks, which you can implement (pain free!) to make your dreams pay.
Nothing is impossible, I truly believe that. Following my advice, you will learn the techniques I use to not only generate ideas/dreams but more importantly, how to turn them into a revenue stream. From concept through to selling; from mental energy through to physical wellbeing, I cover everything you need to know to stand you in good stead to generate ideas, stay creative and entice people to part with their hard-earned cash for whatever it is you have dreamed up.
This isn't get-rich-quick nonsense, this is real-world advice and practical solutions that may just work for you. Buying your subscription here OR directly on Substack for one-year, means access to everything past, present and future for the next year. Plus, you'll get two months FREE if you join for a year. 10 months for the price of 12*. Not bad!
Get ready to make your dreams come true today!
Want to know more about The Dream-Maker's Manifesto? Please click Here.
*Normal price £3.50 per month. 1 year for £35, giving you two months free.